Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An old islamic story : Statisfaction is a treasure that will never exterminated

كان في نجار مسن يعمل بجانب شاطئ
There was an old woodworker doing his daily job near by the river
وبينما هو منهمك بالعمل, سقط منشاره فى النهر
and while he was occupied by his work, his saw fall down into the river
فجلس يبكى على ضياعه
so he sat and started crying
وكانت هناك جنية تراقبه فحضرت إليه وسألته لما تبكي
while that, a female jinni was around and sow that man crying, so she asked him "Oh.. Pity old man, Why are you crying?"
فقال سقط منشارى بالنهر.
"My saw fall into the river?" he answered.
فغطست وخرجت بمنشار من ذهب وسألته اهذا هو فقال لا
so she dived down into the deep river and brought him a Golden saw, "is this your Saw?" she asked... so he answered "No!".
فغطست مره اخرى وخرجت بمنشار من فضه وسألته اهذا هو فقال لا
so she dived again into the deep river but this time she brought a saw made of Silver and asked him "Is this your saw?" and again his answer was "No!".
ثم غطست مرة ثالثة وخرجت بمنشار من برونز وسألته اهذا هو فقال لا
and for the third time she dived into the river, after a while she got back bringing a third saw but this time it's made of Bronze, so the man looked at it and said "No, this is not my saw!".
فغطست مره اخرى وخرجت بمنشاره الحديدى وسألته أهذا هو فقال نعم وقد
Finally, the Jinni went down inside the river and brought his Iron saw, and asked him "Is this your saw?", He replied happily "yes this is it."
ارتسمت السعاده عليه لحصوله على منشاره،
the man was so happy to get his saw back.
فقامت الجنية بإهدائه المنشار الذهبي والفضي والبرونزي لأمانته وصدقه ...So, the Jinni gave him all the 3 saws; The Golden, The Silver, and The Bronze as a gift for his honsety and Fidelity.
وذات يوم آخر كان نفس الرجل يتنزه مع زوجته على شاطئ النهر فإنزلقت قدماها وسقطت فى النهر، فجلس يبكى
Some other day, and while he and his wife were walking beside the river, the wife's leg slipped and she fall into the river. so he sat and started crying.
فحضرت الجنية وسألته ما يبكيك فقال زوجتى سقطت فى النهر
The same Jinni, saw him crying and asked him about the reason this time, "My wife slipped into the river."
فغطست الجنية وخرجت بهيفاء وهبي وسألته أهذه هي فقال نعم هى زوجتى
The Jinni dived into the deep river and brought a very beutiful woman compares to his wife and asked him "is this your wife?" , his answer was "YES!"..s
فقطبت الجنية جبينها وقالت لما تكذب ايها المخادع
The Jinni became so angry and said "why did you lie, you cheater?"
فرد الرجل : انا لم اكذب ولكن خشيت ان اقول لا فتغطسي وتخرجي أليسا
وعندما اقول لا انها ليست زوجتى تغطسى وتخرجى نانسي وعندما أقول لا انها ليست زوجتي تغطسي وتخرجي زوجتى فإذا قلت نعم هى زوجتى ستقومى بإهدائى هيفا واليسا ونانسي لصدقي وانا رجل عجوز لا يمكننى ان اكون متزوج أربع
فراحت الجنية وجلبت له زوجته
""I didn't lie but i afraid to say "No and you go down twice again to bring me two more beautiful women then you go for the last time to bring my wife... then you gift me all the 4 women while i'm an old man, i can not take care of 4 women, so i accepted the first one.
So the Jinni went down and brought his wife back to him.

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